Be careful not to let dogs lick your face

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People who love animals often like to show their love by hugging and kissing their pets or letting these pets lick their faces with affection. But did you know that when dogs lick your face. It can be more harmful to their health than you think?

Is it really dangerous if a dog licks it?

Like other living things, a dog’s saliva is full of germs and bacteria. Which can be transmitted to humans if you let your dog lick you. The Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, mentioned in the case of a dog lover who used the same spoon to feed his dog ice cream. สมัคร UFABET วันนี้ รับเครดิตฟรีสำหรับสมาชิกใหม่ That he could have contracted disease from dog’s saliva.

Dogs are animals that often mingle with the soil. They also have the instinct to lick, whether it’s licking themselves, licking other dogs, or licking to explore various objects. As a result, the dog’s saliva is full of many different bacteria mixed in the saliva. When a dog bites you, licks you, or if you share a spoon with a dog. The bacteria contaminated in the saliva can be transmitted to you.

Diseases that can occur in humans from dog saliva include the following:

Pasteurella canis infection is a type of bacteria that can live without oxygen. This type of  bacteria usually lives in the mouth and upper respiratory tract of dogs. If we are bitten by a dog or if a dog licks our wound, this type of bacteria can enter the body and cause infection in the tissue under. The skin and may cause pneumonia .

Capnocytophaga infection: This bacteria is commonly found in the saliva of dogs. Although it is usually harmless, infection with this bacteria can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. Because it can enter the bloodstream and spread to the meninges and heart valves.

Rabies is a viral infection that affects the central nervous system and is almost 100% fatal if not vaccinated before symptoms appear. Rabies is usually transmitted through a dog bite, although in rare cases it can be transmitted through a dog licking its owner.

These germs that come from dog saliva tend to affect young children, infants, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems . Infants and children under the age of 5 may be at highest risk as their immune systems are still developing. An infection that might cause only minor symptoms in an adult can still cause serious harm.

Avoiding the dangers of dogs licking your face

If you are a dog owner, it can be difficult to avoid dog saliva at times. However, you should always be aware of the dangers that can come with dog saliva, and here are some tips to help you avoid it:

  • Never share spoons or utensils with your dog. No matter how much you love your dog, you should never share and use eating utensils such as spoons or bowls with your dog. It is best to have a special bowl for your dog’s food and separate the area where he eats from the area where you eat.
  • Wash your hands regularly. You should wash your hands every time, especially after touching your pet, playing with it, feeding it, or after cleaning its cage. Wear gloves whenever you clean up your dog’s waste.
  • Do not kiss your pet. Do not kiss or kiss your dog or allow your dog to lick your face or mouth. This will transfer many germs or bacteria that are in the dog’s saliva.
  • Keep your dog away from the kitchen or areas where you prepare food. You should also be careful not to share food with your dog while you are cooking or to let your dog steal food that you are cooking, as this could lead to contamination from your dog’s saliva.